Hi folks -- as I am starting on a bibliography of automobile racing in America to 1941, I thought I would share a more general bibliography to those interested in the history of the automobile. Note that this is a select and not a comprehensive bibliography, yet still should be helpful to those interested in the field. 
Select Bibliography
Journal Articles
Alkalay-Gut, Karen. “Sex and the Single Engine: E. E. Cummings’ Experiment in Metaphoric Equation.” Journal of Modern Literature 20 (Winter 1996): 254-8.
Ames, Roy Clifton. “Cars in Song.” Special-Interest Autos (January-February 1977): 40-45.
Andrews, Robert F. “On Designing the ‘Step-down’ Hudson.” Automobile Quarterly 9 (Summer 1971): 393-7.
Ariout, Jacqueline Fellague. “The Dearborn Independent, A Mirror of the 1920s.” Michigan History Magazine 80 (1996): 41-7.
Arnold, Robert F. “Termination or Transformation? The ‘Terminator’ Films and Recent Changes in the U.S. Auto Industry.” Film Quarterly 52 (Autumn 1998): 20-30.
Aronson, Sidney H. “The Sociology of the Bicycle.” Social Forces. 30 (March 1952): 305-12.
Artz, Nancy, Jeanne Munger, and Warren Purdy. “Gender Issues in Advertising Language.” Women and Language 22 (Fall 1999): 20-6.
Behling, Laura L. “ ‘The Woman at the Wheel:’ Marketing Ideal Womanhood, 1915-1934.” Journal of American Culture 20 (Fall 1997): 13-31.
Bernstein, Barton J. “The Automobile Industry and the Coming of World War II.” The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly. 47 (1966): 22-33.
Blaszczyk, Regina Lee. “DuPont and the Color Revolution.” Chemical Heritage. (Fall 2007): 20-5.
Burnham, John C. “The Gasoline Tax and the Automobile Revolution.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review. 48 (December 1961): 435-59.
Busby, Linda J., and Greg Leichty. “Feminism and Advertising in Traditional and Non-Traditional Women’s Magazines.” Journalism Quarterly. 70 (Summer 1993): 247-64.
Carr, Lowell Julliard. “How the Devil –Wagon Came to Dexter: A Study of Diffusional Change in an American Community.” Social Forces. 11 (October 1932): 64-70.
Casey, Robert. “The Vanderbilt Cup, 1908.” Technology and Culture 40 (1999): 358-62.
Chesterton, G. K. “The Hollow Horn.” G. K.’s Weekly. 24 (October 1, 1936): 57.
Clarke, Sally. “Managing Design: the Art and Colour Section at General Motors, 1927-1941.” Journal of Design History 12 (1999): 65-79.
Cooper, Gail. “Frederick Winslow Taylor and Scientific Management.” In Technology in America, edited by Carroll W. Pursell, Jr., 163-176. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Cubitt, Sean. “ ‘Maybellene’: Meaning and Listening Subject.” Popular Music. 4 (1984): 207‑24.
Edmondson, Amy. “Who Was Buckminster Fuller Anyway?” American History of Invention & Technology 3 (1988): 18-25.
Edsforth, Ronald, and Robert Asher. “The Speedup: The Focal Point of Worker’s Grievances, 1919-1941.” In Autowork, edited by Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth, 65-98. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.
Fine, Sidney. “The Origins of the United Automobile Workers, 1933-1935.” The Journal of Economic History 18 (September 1958): 249-82.
Flink, James J. “The Olympian Age of the Automobile.” American Heritage of Invention & Technology. 7 (Winter 1992): 54-63.
------. “The Path of Least Resistance.” American Heritage of Invention & Technology. 5 (Fall 1989): 34-44.
------. “Three Stages of American Automobile Consciousness.” American Quarterly. 24 (October 1972): 451-73.
French, Michael J. “Structure, Personality, and Business Strategy in the U.S. Tire Industry: The Seiberling Rubber Company, 1922-1964.” The Business History Review 67 (Summer 1993): 246-78.
Fuller, Wayne E. “Farmers, Postmen, and the Good Roads Movement.” In Indiana History: A Book of Readings, edited by Ralph D. Gray, 221-7. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Garamvári, Pál. “100 Years of the Carburetor.” Technikat Ort Enetio Szemle 20 (1993): 11‑15.
Gartman, David. “Three Ages of the Automobile: The Cultural Logistics of the Car.” Theory, Culture & Society 21 (2004): 169-195.
Gerber, Timothy. “Built for Speed: The Checkered Career of Race Car Designer Harry A. Miller.” Wisconsin Magazine of History 85 (2002): 32-41.
Gianturco, Michael. “The Infinite Straightaway.” American Heritage of Invention & Technology 8 (1992): 34-41.
Graebner, William. “Ethyl in Manhattan: A Note on the Science and Politics of Leaded Gasoline.” New York History 57 (1986): 436-43.
Grammage, Grady Jr., and Stephen L. Jones. “Orgasm in Chrome: The Rise and Fall of the Automobile Tailfin.” Journal of Popular Culture 8 (1974): 132-47.
Grayson, Stan. “Crosley of Cincinnati.” Automobile Quarterly 16 (First Quarter 1978): 6-20.
Greenberg, Harvey R., Carol J. Clover, et al. “The Many Faces of ‘Thelma and Louise.’” Film Quarterly 45 (Winter 1991-1992): 20-31.
Griggers, Cathy. “Thelma and Louise and the Cultural Generation of the New Butch-Femme.” In Film Theory Goes to the Movies, edited by Jim Collins, Hillary Rader, and Ava Preacher Collins, 129-141. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Hendry, Maurice D. “Henry M. Leland.” In Automobile Design: Twelve Great Designers and Their Work, 2nd ed., edited by Ronald Barker and Anthony Harding, 81-112. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1992.
------. “Pierce-Arrow: An American Aristocrat.” Automobile Quarterly 6 (Winter 1968): 240‑265.
------. “Thomas!” Automobile Quarterly 8 (Summer 1970). 418-30.
Herlihy, David V. “The Bicycle Story.” American Heritage Invention & Technology 7 (Spring 1992): 48-59.
Howard, John Robert. “The Flowering of the Hippie Movement.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 382 (March 1969). 43-55.
Hugill, Peter J. “Good Roads and the Automobile in the United States, 1880-1929.” Geographical Review 72 (July 1982): 327-349.
Hyde, Charles K. “The Dodge Brothers, the Automobile Industry, and Detroit Society in the Early Twentieth Century.” Michigan Historical Review 22 (1996): 48-82.
Irwin, Howard. “The History of the Airflow Car.” Scientific American 237 (August 1977): 98‑104.
Jackson, Richard H., and Mark W. Jackson. “The Lincoln Highway: the First Transcontinental Highway and the American West.” Journal of the West 42 (2003): 56-64.
Katz, John F. “The Challenge from Steam.” Automobile Quarterly (First Quarter 1987): 15‑29.
Kimes, Beverly Rae. “The Dawn of Speed.” American Heritage 38 (1987): 92-101.
------. “His Cord and His Empire.” Automobile Quarterly 18 (Second Quarter 1980): 193-201.
------. “Plymouth: Walter Chrysler’s Trump Car.” Automobile Quarterly 5 (Summer 1966): 74-85.
Konig, Wolfgang. “Adolf Hitler vs. Henry Ford: The Volkswagen, The Role of America as Model, and the Failure of a Nazi Consumer Society.” German Studies Review 27 (2004): 249-68.
Kosher, Rudy. “Cars and Nations: Anglo-German Perspectives on Automobility Between the World Wars.” Theory, Culture, & Society 21 (2004): 121-44.
Laird, Pamela Walker. “ ‘The Car Without a Single Weakness’: Early Automobile Advertising.” Technology and Culture (1996): 796-812.
Lamm, Michael. “Are Car Keys Obsolete?” American Heritage Invention & Technology. 23 (Summer 2008): 7.
Langworth, Richard M. “The Glorious Madness of Kaiser Frazer.” Automobile Quarterly. 9 (Spring 1971): 266-83.
------. “The True Tale of Uncle Tom McCahill.” Automobile Quarterly 14 (First Quarter 1976): 68-73.
Lankton, Larry. “Autos to Armaments: Detroit Becomes the Arsenal of Democracy.” Michigan History 75 (1991): 42-9.
Lee, Matthew T. “The Ford Pinto Case and the Development of Auto Safety Regulations, 1893-1978.” Business and Economic History 27 (1998): 390-401.
Lewchuck, Wayne A. “Men and Monotony: Fraternalism as a Managerial Strategy at the Ford Motor Company.” Journal of Economic History 4 (December 1993): 824.
Lewis, David L. “‘Sex and the Automobile: From Rumble Seats to Rockin’ Vans.” In The Automobile and American Culture. Edited by Lewis and Laurence Goldstein, 123-133. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1983.
Lichtenstein, Alex. “Good Roads and Chain Gangs in the Progressive South: ‘The Negro Convict as a Slave’.” Journal of Southern History 59 (1993): 85-110.
Lichtenstein, Nelson. “Auto Worker Militancy and the Structure of Factory Life, 1937-1955.” Journal of American History 67 (September 1980): 335-53.
Lipski, Patricia W. “The Introduction of “Automobile” into American English.” American Speech 38 (October 1964): 176-87.
Loeb, Alan P. “Birth of the Kettering Doctrine: Fordism, Sloanism and the Discovery of Tetraethyl Lead.” Business and Economic History 24 (1995): 72-87.
McCaffrey, Donald W. “The Evolution of the Chase in the Silent Screen Comedy.” Journal of the Society of Cinematologists 4 (1964-5): 1-8.
McCarthy, Tom. “The Coming Wonder? Foresight and Early Concerns about the Automobile.” Environmental History 6 (January 2001): 46-74.
MacDonald, Thomas H. “The History and Development of Road Building in the United States.” Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers 92 (1928): 1197.
McIntyre, Stephen L. “The Failure of Fordism: Reform of the Automobile Repair Industry, 1913-1940.” Technology and Culture 41 (2000): 269-99.
Maxwell, James A. and Margaret N. Blacom. “Gasoline Rationing in the United States, I.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 60 (August 1946): 564.
Melder, F. Eugene. “The ‘Tin Lizzie’s’ Golden Anniversary.” American Quarterly 12 (Winter 1960): 477-8.
Messer-Kruse, Timothy. “You Know Me: Barney Oldfield.” Timeline 19 (2002): 2-19.
Moraglio, Massimo. “Per Una Storia Della Autostrade Italiane.” Storia Urbana 26 (2002): 11‑25.
Mueller, Mike. “Tucker: A Man and his Car.” American History Illustrated 23 (1989): 36-41.
Nelson, Bruce. “Autoworkers, Electoral Politics, and the Convergence of Class and Race, Detroit, 1937-1945.” In Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994. Edited by Kevin Boyle, 121-58. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Newcomb, James. “Depression Auto Styling.” Winterthur Portfolio 35 (Spring 2000): 81-100.
Norbye, Jan P. “Panhard et Levassor: Limelight to Twilight.” Automobile Quarterly 6 (Fall 1967): 127-43.
O’Brien, Anthony Patrick. The Importance of Adjusting Production to Sales in the Early Automobile Industry.” Explorations in Economic History 34 (1997): 195-219.
Offer, Avner. “The American Automobile Frenzy of the 1950s.” In From Family Firms to Corporate Capitalism: Essays in Business and Industrial History In Honour of Peter Mathias. Edited by K. Bruland and P. K. O’Brien, 315-53. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Ostrander, Stephen G. “A Car Worthy of its Name.” Michigan History Magazine 76 (January/February 1992): 24-7.
Oestreicher, Richard. “The Rules of the Game: Class Politics in Twentieth-Century America.” In Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994. Edited by Kevin Boyle, 19-50. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Peterson, Joyce Shaw. “Autoworkers and their Work, 1900-1933.” Labor History 22 (1981): 213-36.
------. “Black Automobile Workers in Detroit, 1900-1933.” Journal of Negro History 64 (Summer 1979): 177-90.
Peterson, Richard A. “Why 1955? Explaining the Advent of Rock Music.” Popular Music 9 (January 1990): 97-116.
Pfau, Hugo. “Dr. Rumpler’s ‘Volkswagen.’” Cars & Parts 20 (August 1977): 28-32.
Rieger, Bernard. “ ‘Fast Couples’: Technology, Gender, and Modernity in Britain and Germany During the Nineteen-Thirties.” Historical Research 76 (August 2003): 364-88.
Rollins, William H. “Whose Landscape? Technology, Fascism, and Environmentalism on the National Socialist Autobahn.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85 (September 1995): 494-520.
Rosner, David, and Gerald Markowitz. “A ‘Gift of God?: the Public Health Controversy Over Leaded Gasoline During the 1920s.” American Journal of Public Health 75 (1985): 344-52.
Sandoval, Denise Michelle. “Cruising Through Low Rider Culture: Chicana/o Identity in the Marketing of Low Rider Magazine.” In Velvet Barrios: Popular Culture and Chicana/o Sexualities. Edited by Alicia Gasper de Alba, 179-98. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Schuler, Dustin. “Skinning Cars in the American West: Transforming Automobile Bodies into Relief Sculptures.” Leonardo 17 (1984): 241-44.
Scott, Cord. “The Race of the Century.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 96 (2003): 37-48.
Shand, James D. “The Reichsautobahn: Symbol for the Third Reich.” Journal of Contemporary History 19 (1984): 189-200.
Smith, Julian. “Transports of Delight: The Image of the Automobile in Early Films.” Film & History. 11 (1981): 59-67.
Sonkin, Robert. “Bleeding Betty’s Brakes: Or, the Army Names a Jeep.” American Speech 29 (December 1954): 257-62.
Stewart, Doug. “Hail to the Jeep! Could we have won without it?” Smithsonian 23 (1992): 60‑73.
Todd, Jan. “Cars, Paint, and Chemicals: Industry Linkages and the Capture of Overseas Technology Between the Wars.” Australian Economic History Review 38 (July 1998): 176-93.
Tuttle, William M. Jr. “The Birth of an Industry: the Synthetic Rubber “Mess” in World War II.” Technology and Culture 22 (January 1981): 35-67.
Wells, Christopher W. “The Changing Nature of Country Roads: Farmers, Reformers, and the Shifting Use of Rural Space, 1880-1905.” Agricultural History 80 (2006): 143-66.
Wilkinson, Stephan. “Tanks, Hot Rods, and Salt.” Air & Space Smithsonian 12 (1997): 60-3.
Wright, John L. “Croonin’ About Cruisin’.” In The Popular Culture Reader. Edited by Jack Nachbar, Deborah Weiser, and John L. Wright, 109-17. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Press, 1978.
Yanik, Anthony J. “Harley Earl and the Birth of Modern Automotive Styling.” Chronicle: Quarterly Magazine of the Historical Society of Michigan 21 (1985): 18-22.
Yates, Brock. “Duesenberg.” American Heritage 45 (1994): 88-99.

Select Bibliography
Journal Articles
Alkalay-Gut, Karen. “Sex and the Single Engine: E. E. Cummings’ Experiment in Metaphoric Equation.” Journal of Modern Literature 20 (Winter 1996): 254-8.
Ames, Roy Clifton. “Cars in Song.” Special-Interest Autos (January-February 1977): 40-45.
Andrews, Robert F. “On Designing the ‘Step-down’ Hudson.” Automobile Quarterly 9 (Summer 1971): 393-7.
Ariout, Jacqueline Fellague. “The Dearborn Independent, A Mirror of the 1920s.” Michigan History Magazine 80 (1996): 41-7.
Arnold, Robert F. “Termination or Transformation? The ‘Terminator’ Films and Recent Changes in the U.S. Auto Industry.” Film Quarterly 52 (Autumn 1998): 20-30.
Aronson, Sidney H. “The Sociology of the Bicycle.” Social Forces. 30 (March 1952): 305-12.
Artz, Nancy, Jeanne Munger, and Warren Purdy. “Gender Issues in Advertising Language.” Women and Language 22 (Fall 1999): 20-6.
Behling, Laura L. “ ‘The Woman at the Wheel:’ Marketing Ideal Womanhood, 1915-1934.” Journal of American Culture 20 (Fall 1997): 13-31.
Bernstein, Barton J. “The Automobile Industry and the Coming of World War II.” The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly. 47 (1966): 22-33.
Blaszczyk, Regina Lee. “DuPont and the Color Revolution.” Chemical Heritage. (Fall 2007): 20-5.
Burnham, John C. “The Gasoline Tax and the Automobile Revolution.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review. 48 (December 1961): 435-59.
Busby, Linda J., and Greg Leichty. “Feminism and Advertising in Traditional and Non-Traditional Women’s Magazines.” Journalism Quarterly. 70 (Summer 1993): 247-64.
Carr, Lowell Julliard. “How the Devil –Wagon Came to Dexter: A Study of Diffusional Change in an American Community.” Social Forces. 11 (October 1932): 64-70.
Casey, Robert. “The Vanderbilt Cup, 1908.” Technology and Culture 40 (1999): 358-62.
Chesterton, G. K. “The Hollow Horn.” G. K.’s Weekly. 24 (October 1, 1936): 57.
Clarke, Sally. “Managing Design: the Art and Colour Section at General Motors, 1927-1941.” Journal of Design History 12 (1999): 65-79.
Cooper, Gail. “Frederick Winslow Taylor and Scientific Management.” In Technology in America, edited by Carroll W. Pursell, Jr., 163-176. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Cubitt, Sean. “ ‘Maybellene’: Meaning and Listening Subject.” Popular Music. 4 (1984): 207‑24.
Edmondson, Amy. “Who Was Buckminster Fuller Anyway?” American History of Invention & Technology 3 (1988): 18-25.
Edsforth, Ronald, and Robert Asher. “The Speedup: The Focal Point of Worker’s Grievances, 1919-1941.” In Autowork, edited by Robert Asher and Ronald Edsforth, 65-98. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.
Fine, Sidney. “The Origins of the United Automobile Workers, 1933-1935.” The Journal of Economic History 18 (September 1958): 249-82.
Flink, James J. “The Olympian Age of the Automobile.” American Heritage of Invention & Technology. 7 (Winter 1992): 54-63.
------. “The Path of Least Resistance.” American Heritage of Invention & Technology. 5 (Fall 1989): 34-44.
------. “Three Stages of American Automobile Consciousness.” American Quarterly. 24 (October 1972): 451-73.
French, Michael J. “Structure, Personality, and Business Strategy in the U.S. Tire Industry: The Seiberling Rubber Company, 1922-1964.” The Business History Review 67 (Summer 1993): 246-78.
Fuller, Wayne E. “Farmers, Postmen, and the Good Roads Movement.” In Indiana History: A Book of Readings, edited by Ralph D. Gray, 221-7. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Garamvári, Pál. “100 Years of the Carburetor.” Technikat Ort Enetio Szemle 20 (1993): 11‑15.
Gartman, David. “Three Ages of the Automobile: The Cultural Logistics of the Car.” Theory, Culture & Society 21 (2004): 169-195.
Gerber, Timothy. “Built for Speed: The Checkered Career of Race Car Designer Harry A. Miller.” Wisconsin Magazine of History 85 (2002): 32-41.
Gianturco, Michael. “The Infinite Straightaway.” American Heritage of Invention & Technology 8 (1992): 34-41.
Graebner, William. “Ethyl in Manhattan: A Note on the Science and Politics of Leaded Gasoline.” New York History 57 (1986): 436-43.
Grammage, Grady Jr., and Stephen L. Jones. “Orgasm in Chrome: The Rise and Fall of the Automobile Tailfin.” Journal of Popular Culture 8 (1974): 132-47.
Grayson, Stan. “Crosley of Cincinnati.” Automobile Quarterly 16 (First Quarter 1978): 6-20.
Greenberg, Harvey R., Carol J. Clover, et al. “The Many Faces of ‘Thelma and Louise.’” Film Quarterly 45 (Winter 1991-1992): 20-31.
Griggers, Cathy. “Thelma and Louise and the Cultural Generation of the New Butch-Femme.” In Film Theory Goes to the Movies, edited by Jim Collins, Hillary Rader, and Ava Preacher Collins, 129-141. New York: Routledge, 1993.
Hendry, Maurice D. “Henry M. Leland.” In Automobile Design: Twelve Great Designers and Their Work, 2nd ed., edited by Ronald Barker and Anthony Harding, 81-112. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1992.
------. “Pierce-Arrow: An American Aristocrat.” Automobile Quarterly 6 (Winter 1968): 240‑265.
------. “Thomas!” Automobile Quarterly 8 (Summer 1970). 418-30.
Herlihy, David V. “The Bicycle Story.” American Heritage Invention & Technology 7 (Spring 1992): 48-59.
Howard, John Robert. “The Flowering of the Hippie Movement.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 382 (March 1969). 43-55.
Hugill, Peter J. “Good Roads and the Automobile in the United States, 1880-1929.” Geographical Review 72 (July 1982): 327-349.
Hyde, Charles K. “The Dodge Brothers, the Automobile Industry, and Detroit Society in the Early Twentieth Century.” Michigan Historical Review 22 (1996): 48-82.
Irwin, Howard. “The History of the Airflow Car.” Scientific American 237 (August 1977): 98‑104.
Jackson, Richard H., and Mark W. Jackson. “The Lincoln Highway: the First Transcontinental Highway and the American West.” Journal of the West 42 (2003): 56-64.
Katz, John F. “The Challenge from Steam.” Automobile Quarterly (First Quarter 1987): 15‑29.
Kimes, Beverly Rae. “The Dawn of Speed.” American Heritage 38 (1987): 92-101.
------. “His Cord and His Empire.” Automobile Quarterly 18 (Second Quarter 1980): 193-201.
------. “Plymouth: Walter Chrysler’s Trump Car.” Automobile Quarterly 5 (Summer 1966): 74-85.
Konig, Wolfgang. “Adolf Hitler vs. Henry Ford: The Volkswagen, The Role of America as Model, and the Failure of a Nazi Consumer Society.” German Studies Review 27 (2004): 249-68.
Kosher, Rudy. “Cars and Nations: Anglo-German Perspectives on Automobility Between the World Wars.” Theory, Culture, & Society 21 (2004): 121-44.
Laird, Pamela Walker. “ ‘The Car Without a Single Weakness’: Early Automobile Advertising.” Technology and Culture (1996): 796-812.
Lamm, Michael. “Are Car Keys Obsolete?” American Heritage Invention & Technology. 23 (Summer 2008): 7.
Langworth, Richard M. “The Glorious Madness of Kaiser Frazer.” Automobile Quarterly. 9 (Spring 1971): 266-83.
------. “The True Tale of Uncle Tom McCahill.” Automobile Quarterly 14 (First Quarter 1976): 68-73.
Lankton, Larry. “Autos to Armaments: Detroit Becomes the Arsenal of Democracy.” Michigan History 75 (1991): 42-9.
Lee, Matthew T. “The Ford Pinto Case and the Development of Auto Safety Regulations, 1893-1978.” Business and Economic History 27 (1998): 390-401.
Lewchuck, Wayne A. “Men and Monotony: Fraternalism as a Managerial Strategy at the Ford Motor Company.” Journal of Economic History 4 (December 1993): 824.
Lewis, David L. “‘Sex and the Automobile: From Rumble Seats to Rockin’ Vans.” In The Automobile and American Culture. Edited by Lewis and Laurence Goldstein, 123-133. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1983.
Lichtenstein, Alex. “Good Roads and Chain Gangs in the Progressive South: ‘The Negro Convict as a Slave’.” Journal of Southern History 59 (1993): 85-110.
Lichtenstein, Nelson. “Auto Worker Militancy and the Structure of Factory Life, 1937-1955.” Journal of American History 67 (September 1980): 335-53.
Lipski, Patricia W. “The Introduction of “Automobile” into American English.” American Speech 38 (October 1964): 176-87.
Loeb, Alan P. “Birth of the Kettering Doctrine: Fordism, Sloanism and the Discovery of Tetraethyl Lead.” Business and Economic History 24 (1995): 72-87.
McCaffrey, Donald W. “The Evolution of the Chase in the Silent Screen Comedy.” Journal of the Society of Cinematologists 4 (1964-5): 1-8.
McCarthy, Tom. “The Coming Wonder? Foresight and Early Concerns about the Automobile.” Environmental History 6 (January 2001): 46-74.
MacDonald, Thomas H. “The History and Development of Road Building in the United States.” Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers 92 (1928): 1197.
McIntyre, Stephen L. “The Failure of Fordism: Reform of the Automobile Repair Industry, 1913-1940.” Technology and Culture 41 (2000): 269-99.
Maxwell, James A. and Margaret N. Blacom. “Gasoline Rationing in the United States, I.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 60 (August 1946): 564.
Melder, F. Eugene. “The ‘Tin Lizzie’s’ Golden Anniversary.” American Quarterly 12 (Winter 1960): 477-8.
Messer-Kruse, Timothy. “You Know Me: Barney Oldfield.” Timeline 19 (2002): 2-19.
Moraglio, Massimo. “Per Una Storia Della Autostrade Italiane.” Storia Urbana 26 (2002): 11‑25.
Mueller, Mike. “Tucker: A Man and his Car.” American History Illustrated 23 (1989): 36-41.
Nelson, Bruce. “Autoworkers, Electoral Politics, and the Convergence of Class and Race, Detroit, 1937-1945.” In Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994. Edited by Kevin Boyle, 121-58. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Newcomb, James. “Depression Auto Styling.” Winterthur Portfolio 35 (Spring 2000): 81-100.
Norbye, Jan P. “Panhard et Levassor: Limelight to Twilight.” Automobile Quarterly 6 (Fall 1967): 127-43.
O’Brien, Anthony Patrick. The Importance of Adjusting Production to Sales in the Early Automobile Industry.” Explorations in Economic History 34 (1997): 195-219.
Offer, Avner. “The American Automobile Frenzy of the 1950s.” In From Family Firms to Corporate Capitalism: Essays in Business and Industrial History In Honour of Peter Mathias. Edited by K. Bruland and P. K. O’Brien, 315-53. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Ostrander, Stephen G. “A Car Worthy of its Name.” Michigan History Magazine 76 (January/February 1992): 24-7.
Oestreicher, Richard. “The Rules of the Game: Class Politics in Twentieth-Century America.” In Organized Labor and American Politics, 1894-1994. Edited by Kevin Boyle, 19-50. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998.
Peterson, Joyce Shaw. “Autoworkers and their Work, 1900-1933.” Labor History 22 (1981): 213-36.
------. “Black Automobile Workers in Detroit, 1900-1933.” Journal of Negro History 64 (Summer 1979): 177-90.
Peterson, Richard A. “Why 1955? Explaining the Advent of Rock Music.” Popular Music 9 (January 1990): 97-116.
Pfau, Hugo. “Dr. Rumpler’s ‘Volkswagen.’” Cars & Parts 20 (August 1977): 28-32.
Rieger, Bernard. “ ‘Fast Couples’: Technology, Gender, and Modernity in Britain and Germany During the Nineteen-Thirties.” Historical Research 76 (August 2003): 364-88.
Rollins, William H. “Whose Landscape? Technology, Fascism, and Environmentalism on the National Socialist Autobahn.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85 (September 1995): 494-520.
Rosner, David, and Gerald Markowitz. “A ‘Gift of God?: the Public Health Controversy Over Leaded Gasoline During the 1920s.” American Journal of Public Health 75 (1985): 344-52.
Sandoval, Denise Michelle. “Cruising Through Low Rider Culture: Chicana/o Identity in the Marketing of Low Rider Magazine.” In Velvet Barrios: Popular Culture and Chicana/o Sexualities. Edited by Alicia Gasper de Alba, 179-98. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Schuler, Dustin. “Skinning Cars in the American West: Transforming Automobile Bodies into Relief Sculptures.” Leonardo 17 (1984): 241-44.
Scott, Cord. “The Race of the Century.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 96 (2003): 37-48.
Shand, James D. “The Reichsautobahn: Symbol for the Third Reich.” Journal of Contemporary History 19 (1984): 189-200.
Smith, Julian. “Transports of Delight: The Image of the Automobile in Early Films.” Film & History. 11 (1981): 59-67.
Sonkin, Robert. “Bleeding Betty’s Brakes: Or, the Army Names a Jeep.” American Speech 29 (December 1954): 257-62.
Stewart, Doug. “Hail to the Jeep! Could we have won without it?” Smithsonian 23 (1992): 60‑73.
Todd, Jan. “Cars, Paint, and Chemicals: Industry Linkages and the Capture of Overseas Technology Between the Wars.” Australian Economic History Review 38 (July 1998): 176-93.
Tuttle, William M. Jr. “The Birth of an Industry: the Synthetic Rubber “Mess” in World War II.” Technology and Culture 22 (January 1981): 35-67.
Wells, Christopher W. “The Changing Nature of Country Roads: Farmers, Reformers, and the Shifting Use of Rural Space, 1880-1905.” Agricultural History 80 (2006): 143-66.
Wilkinson, Stephan. “Tanks, Hot Rods, and Salt.” Air & Space Smithsonian 12 (1997): 60-3.
Wright, John L. “Croonin’ About Cruisin’.” In The Popular Culture Reader. Edited by Jack Nachbar, Deborah Weiser, and John L. Wright, 109-17. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Press, 1978.
Yanik, Anthony J. “Harley Earl and the Birth of Modern Automotive Styling.” Chronicle: Quarterly Magazine of the Historical Society of Michigan 21 (1985): 18-22.
Yates, Brock. “Duesenberg.” American Heritage 45 (1994): 88-99.
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