
Selasa, 29 April 2014

Park Drag, a strange name for an 1892 horse carriage, but it's history in Washington DC and New York City high society (Vanderbilt family) is the cause

Some rich guy married one of Vanderbilt's daughters and had the architectural firm that created Central Park make them a 1200 acre mansion and estate in New Jersey. This was the carriage they bought from Brewsters, the eminent carriage makers that started in 1810, and went from horse drawn to horseless and made custom bodies for the elite until the late 30's death of American coachbuilding.

After the carriage was sold at the fall of the gilded age, when the bottomless gold vaults of the Vanderbilts began to echo, it was bought by an eminent restaurant "The Stables" for transport of the most impressive guests of hotels to the restaurant. It also was in about 4 presidential innaugural parades

Photos and info from via

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